Looking to contribute?

Join the Executive

The Association is run by up to 13 postgraduate student volunteers. There are frequently vacancies on the Executive, as postgrads come and go throughout the year, so if you are interested in joining please contact us!

Join a Committee

This is a great opportunity to understand university structure and contribute towards improving the postgraduate study environment and conditions at university. Find out about student representation.

Vote for the 2019 Landers Award Winner

Vote for the 2019 Landers Award Winner

Each year the faculties each nominate a postgraduate student who they think should be awarded for fostering the ideals of the Postgraduate Students’ Association - a student who has demonstrated a commitment to fostering camaraderie and collective consciousness among their colleagues in the postgraduate community.

Once the faculties have submitted their nominations, we ask postgraduates to vote for the winner from the nominees. Please check your email for an individual voting link, which you can use to vote until 5pm on 26 November.

Victorias Awards Winners

Victorias Awards Winners

Timesheets for Tutors

Timesheets for Tutors